Way to combine multiple takes in a TF2 Replay


I had an awesome double kill when I was playing as Pyro tonight;

I wanted to set it up so that first you had the first-person-view, (of me) and then you had a 3rd person view of the area the fight was taking place in.

I got two separate "takes", one from each perspective, but I can't seem to figure out how to append the one to the other. Is this possible to do within TF2 itself?

Otherwise, it looks like I might have to create a movie from both takes and then use some video editing software to stitch them together outside of the game itself (which would be hard for me, as I lack video editing software).

Is there a way to combine multiple takes in a TF2 Replay?

Best Answer

Currently the TF2 editor is not able to do this, maybe in the future but for now you'll need an external editor.

If you are using windows, you should have the Windows Movie Maker installed already, though it is not a very good editor.

If you just want to stitch together 2 videos, you can do that with the YouTube Video Editor: http://www.youtube.com/editor