Way to download ESO files from another PC


As The Elder Scrolls Online went free-to-play, I wanted to reactivate my account and see what has changed.

Unfortunatelly, I deleted ESO from my PC and by now I've got a very slow internet connection. Downloading 32 GB of files would take a very long time. I calculated it painstakingly and my result is: forever.

Therefor I'm looking for other solutions. I've bought just a key online, so a hard copy isn't existent. Maybe Zenimax provides some solutions where I can download the setup files seperately to get it on a USB stick?

Is there a way to download the needed files for playing for ESO on another PC?

(For clarification: I just need a way to copy files to my PC so that the game works as intended.)

Best Answer

In my experience with ESO, and in fact, other MMO games all together, they do not alter files on your computer to play. Or rather, if you download it onto a drive at your mates, and chuck it on your PC at home, it will work. Just like that.