overwatch – Is There a Way to Enable the Console in Overwatch?


In other games like Source-based games like CS:GO or TF2 or UE3 games like Dirty Bomb and Unreal Tournament I am able to enable the console in order to set binds, or play with commands to test specific features or practice in gameplay.

In Overwatch itself, is there a way to manually enable the console? Is there a console at all? I've tried the tilde key and combing through the options-control menu and haven't found a setting for enable console.

Best Answer

In past Blizzard games such as Diablo 2 and Diablo 3 you could access some console like commands from the chat window, they weren't cheats and some were game mechanic changing options.

According to this Reddit thread Overwatch seems to follow a similar structure but almost all of it is to do with actual chat and nothing that changes game mechanics.

I was looking for some list of chat commands, but couldn't find any so I decided to put the list together, hope you find it useful.

/all or /a or /general - Switch to general chat
/accept - Accept the current group invite
/customgame or /cg - Switch to custom game chat
/decline - Decline the current group invite
/group or /g or /p - Switch to group chat
/leave - Leave your group
/leavechannel - Leave the current channel
/list - List all players in your channel
/logout - Log out of the game
/match or /m - Switch to match chat
/reply or /r - Reply to last player
/spectate - Spectate a friend
/team or /t - Switch to team chat

Those above have description right in game, for the rest correct me where I'm wrong.

/invite - Invite player to your group
/joinchannel or /join - Join a channel
/kick - Remove player for your group
/leader - ?
/promote - ?
/removefriend - Remove friend from your friendlist
/whisper or /w or /send or /tell - Send message to a player