Way to find out if I trained other than by visiting a trainer


How else can I determine if I trained at my current level?

Knowing this will help me by telling me if I still need to capitalize on the option, minus the tedium of searching for a trainer.

Best Answer

To tell if you've trained, you can use the console command:

getgs sCanNotTrainAnymore

It will print something like:

'You must level up to train more'

Took me a while to figure that out but I learned that there are Game Settings such as this that can be fetched set with getgs and setgs.

There is also getglobalvalue to fetch Global Variables such as the hour of the day:

getglobalvalue gamehour

which should print something like:


The Game Settings and Global Variables can all be seen using the TES5Edit program. All global variables can also be printed to the console with:


Another category are the General Stats such are gold found which are viewable in the escape menu. If you want to get these with the console its:

GetPCmiscstat "Gold Found"

Hope this is still useful to people.