Zelda Breath of the Wild – How to Get Pictures of Bosses After Defeating Them


I was planning to do a 100% completion run, including a full Hyrule Compendium. About halfway through the game, I realized I never took a picture of my first dungeon boss. I didn't worry too much at first, since you can buy additional pictures in Hateno, but now that I bought every single monster picture available, that boss is still missing (as well as a few others, which I assume to be the final boss and some special enemies I haven't seen yet).

Is there any way to still get a picture of dungeon bosses and complete the compendium? Obviously I don't have any save files from before I fought that boss, and even if I did, I'd have to pretty much re-do the entire game.

Best Answer

You will have the opportunity to purchase the missing boss pictures from Symin at the Ancient Hateno Tech Lab. They will cost 500 rupees each and will only be available after you beat the game. Just look for the Elite Enemy Picture set when buying pictures.

enter image description here

There's no "New Game+" as of yet but your saves will have a star next to them once the game recognizes that you have beaten the game.