Way to know the production and consumption rates of houses and factories


Farms produce stuff (tea, vegetables, rice) at certain rates while houses consume them at certain rates (to fulfull needs). Factories also take such commodities and make something else at certain rates (such as rice and vegetables which are turned into… sushi or something).

Is there any way to see what those rates are? Knowing how many houses or citizens a single tea plantation or fishery could satisfy would be great.

Best Answer

There are several calculators available that you can plug the production values in an get the amount of people a number of factories can supply here.

However the key is generally making sure your production chains are the most efficient they can be and when it one chain becomes insufficient, build another entire chain (or part of). This image gives all that information, I have it open whenever I play Anno 2070.

Finally, in response to your question in your comment to your question: Yes you can change the cargo size in trade routes, warehouse, ships etc. All you have to do is click on the number itself, maybe double click, I can't remember! Anyway when you do it becomes editable like a normal text box.

Hope that helps.