Way to “make” Kethane


I'm still trying to learn how things work in the Kethane mod, and I'm having a bit of a hard time with it since my current game doesn't appear to have any Kethane available at the KSC launch pad. I'm pretty sure I've played a game where there was, but that was a couple saves and re-installs ago.

Having Kethane available at the KSC launch pad would be really handy so I can test my mining/conversion craft before I commit them to an actual mission. Is there another mod I can use, or a file I could manually edit, to put Kethane where I want it?

Best Answer

As you've said you can also teleport to a known Kethane location, you could use HyperEdit's Ship Lander feature to land at a known Kethane location.

First, put your ship/base into orbit (otherwise, it will break up on landing). You can also use HyperEdit's Orbit Editor to do that: Press Alt+H, then click on "Orbit Editor" and enter 100000 as altitude, then click on "Set".

Then, find a Kethane location on Kerbin, where the center of the hexagon is on land. Hover your mouse over the hexagon. You will see the coordinates of the center. Open the Ship Lander and enter the coordinates. Your latitude is the N/S coordinate. If it is a N coordinate, just enter the number. If it is a S coordinate, enter the negative of the number. (i.e. 2.5N turns to 2.5, 36.21S turns to -36.21)

Same goes for the longitude: E coordinates are positive, W coordinates are negative.

Now, click the "Land/Drop" button once. Note that you must not be in Time Warp. You now fall gently down to the ground and can rotate your spacecraft to match the ground. If the ground isn't level enough, press "Land/Drop" again once. Then quickly Press the "Set" button in the Orbit Editor again (assuming altitude is still at 100000) to put yourself in orbit again. You can then choose a new site. If you find you don't have enough time to rotate your craft, put yourself in orbit again (same procedure as for non-level ground) and set the "Alt" in the Ship Lander to something higher and land again.