Way to make the keyboard player 2


I know that if you plug in a controller after after the game starts and press START, you become a second player baby that flies around. I know this works with keyboard as P1 and controller as P2 and 2 controllers as P1 and P2 but I would like to know if there is a way to make it so that controller is P1 and keyboard is P2

Best Answer

I've found this guide on SteamCommunity:

Playing coop consumes your rightmost heart container, be it half a heart or a full one Be it an evil heart or a soul heart

Step 1 - Plug in controller
Step 2 - Open Isaac
Step 3 - Start playing Isaac with keyboard
Step 4 - Push start on controller

Options allows keybinding so have a look at that Controller takes control of player 2

If you want to play with the controller for player 1

Step 1 - Plug in controller
Step 2 - Open Isaac
Step 3 - Start playing Isaac with controller
Step 4 - Push Enter on Keyboard

Anyway I'm not sure this will work, the only thing that McMillen says is:

When you are playing Isaac, a friend/mom/soul mate can join you by pressing start on the 2nd controller (or 1st controller if you are playing with the keyboard).

He says nothing about a second player on the keyboard.