Way to permanently disable the orbiting idle camera


If I don't do anything for too long, the camera will enter third-person view and circle me. It returns to my normal view once I interact with the game. Is there a way to permanently toggle this camera behaviour off?

Best Answer

As of right now, without the help of any mods or in-game add-ons, it is not possible to permanently disable the orbiting idle camera. There are 2 other methods, however, that you may find especially useful:

  • Toggle the Freefly camera

Simply do so by entering the command TFC into the console. This will switch your camera mode into freefly and "disable" the idle camera.

Add this to the bottom of skyrim.ini located at (on Windows 7) \Documents\My Games\Skyrim\


; Rotating camera when idle can not be turned off, but delayed.

; 120 seconds is default. Here we go with half an hour:


Here are a few of the possible and known side effects that have occured when idling while "TFC-ed":

Having an issue though, I was using one of the break dancing animations on my PC and companion- NPC (Lydia). It was a wilderness area at night with snow falling (near a fort). I "TFC'ed" via the console and zoomed it out a good bit then left it idle (had company over). When finally getting back to my computer, I had noticed a few things: my player character had become semi-transparent. This was fixed when I toggled out of TFC command again, however 3 things happened at this point -

1) the forced-3rd person angle was locked in and I still cannot zoom in or out as I would normally with the mouse wheel.

2) there were some bizarre shadow-artifacts flashing at different angles (never had this issue). I reloaded to a previous save and these slowly disappeared when utilizing vanilla animations in-game.

3) and this is a strange one, the loading screen objects became "burned" into fog type effects so that the semi-invisible object was static as it was when the loading screen had finished (keeping its true scale as the actual loading screen).

I really feel this was a conflict with a lighting mod (using latest Realistic Lighting mod - Vision option) and the TFC command.

Source: LINK