Way to quickly find a server with many players on VOIP


I recently bought a new pair of PS3 headphones and wanted to test VOIP yesterday, but to my frustration it was almost impossible to find a server with players using it. On some servers there were 1-2 players with the speaker icon, but they don't speak. I found only one server where everyone (!) was speaking… but in Estonian, or some other weird language – I couldn't even tell which one it was.

So my question is, is there any quick way to find a server with English speaking players using VOIP? Maybe some web site listing?

Best Answer

Unfourtunatley, this is impossible. The only player information provided is who is in there and their scores. There is no indicator denoting whether or not a user is using a headset. The best way to ensure good voice communication is to play with your friends, random players on BF3 are very non-team oriented considering how team oriented the game is...