Way to remap the inventory hotkeys in Warcraft 3


Warcraft 3 (and it's expansion The Frozen Throne) has a pretty extensive hotkey customization feature. However I can't seem to find a way to customize the hotkeys for my inventory items.

The inventory hotkeys are default set to numpad 7,8,6,5,1, and 2. With each number corresponding to a particular slot in your 6 block inventory.

My labtop sadly does not boast a numpad, so as of right now I have no way to activate my inventory items short of clicking them manually, which becomes a real game changer when I'm playing DotA and every half-second actually matters in heated combat.

Does anybody know of any way around this?

Best Answer

Here you can set your hero skills to custom keys,it also has the option to set the inventory to custom keys(under "Extensions (Win Only)" tab).

Note that setting the inventory keys will require you to download additional script...the site has the guide for that so try it out.

This is your second option,I didn't tried it so i cant tell you much.