While playing Skyrim I've noticed that enemies seem averse to actually attacking me, they will relentlessly attack my horse and any NPCs I have following me before they attack me, this is really annoying in quests where you have to lead an NPC halfway across the map and they keep on dying because they are the focus of all the attacks.
Also NPCs and my horse seem to be hell bent on getting themselves killed by running into enemy encampments, I was attacked by one bandit outside a building so I dismounted my horse, the NPC I was leading and my horse joined the fray and then ran into the building in a fit of battle lust and proceeded to be slaughtered by 5 bandits…
Is there a way to stop this?
Best Answer
If you have a high enough Illusion skill, you can use the Calm or Fear spells or their higher-level versions to prevent your follower or horse from attacking.
Mods or Console Commands
The mod Better Horses, can set horses to flee at the sight of combat, rather than getting involved and killed. This can be set to all horses except Frost and Shadowmere, or to all horses, including the mentioned two.
The Better Horses mod can also set your horse as 'essential' (i.e. unkillable) or increase your horse's health, preventing or lessening the chances of your horse getting killed. It also has other useful, optional horse-related features.
The mod, Better Stealth AI for Followers, claims to prevent followers from rushing into combat:
The mod Better Followers or Ultimate Follower Overhaul will allow you to set your NPC follower as essential, preventing them from getting killed.
Note that Better Followers and Ultimate Follower Overhaul will work for Permanent followers only and Quest followers may not be affected. Most quest followers are already set to be 'essential' though. Just be careful with those not marked as essential (see who is not set to be 'essential' here).
You could also use the
console command to set your horse or follower as unkillable.