Way to track player-defined missions in Kerbal Space Program


I've played Kerbal Space Program now to the point that I'm no longer really interested in the pre-defined missions in Career Mode. For awhile, I want to just focus on exploring space my way. This doesn't mean I don't want to perform missions, it just means that I want to be the one defining the parameters.

Unfortunately, now I don't have any way to track my missions in-game. I often find myself, after some time away from the game, loading up KSP and having to spend my first several minutes just trying to figure out where I left off. During this process, I need to answer questions like:

  • What spacecraft do I have out there, and what's their current status?
  • Why did I put those things out there in the first place?
  • What am I supposed to be doing with them next?
  • Did I leave any of my spacecraft in a condition which would prevent me from doing what I wanted to do with them?

This problem would only be compounded should I ever choose to run more than one mission at a time. Right now, I'm avoiding that just so I don't have to worry about forgetting the status/objectives of one mission while I'm spending time working on another – let alone remembering all of them when I walk away from the computer.

I could simply work around this by jotting stuff down in Notepad or something similar, and popping that open whenever I'm running KSP. However this would be a very manual process which breaks game immersion and presents a number of other undesirable inconveniences and/or failure points. So, I'm instead looking for a solution to implement player-defined mission tracking in-game.

Bare-Minimum Requirements

  • Enhance the KSC Tracking Station and/or provide a separate in-game interface to include the following minimum details:
    • Spacecraft name
    • Player-defined notes
  • Implement all features in-game without need for player to manually launch or manage data in an external app.

Preferred Additional Features

  • Allow player to define missions.
  • Allow player to assign spacecraft to missions.
    • Allow filtering of spacecraft list by mission.
    • Allow filtering of Tracking Station and/or Map views by mission.
  • Provide "to-do list" type interface for player-defined mission objectives.
  • Allow player to define success milestones which automatically track mission progress.
    • Example 1: Check off a mission objective when [spacecraft] has achieved an orbit matching [orbit parameters] within [acceptable margin].
    • Example 2: Check off a mission objective when [spacecraft] has landed on [body] within [range] latitude and [range] longitude.
  • Allow the player to define failure milestones which automatically alert to conditions that will prevent mission completion.
    • Example 1: Fail the mission if [critical components] are damaged on [spacecraft].
    • Example 2: Fail the mission if [specified Kerbal(s)] die.
    • Example 3: Fail the mission if [spacecraft] trajectory goes beyond [orbit parameters] before [specified objective or success milestone] is completed.
  • Option to pop up a missions status overview on KSP game load.
    • Should include list of active missions, associated spacecraft statuses, and next objective/milestone.
  • Archive of completed/failed missions.

Best Answer

you are in luck something already exists: In game notes / notepad / checklist v0.10.1 26/10/14


  • Take in game notes anywhere.
  • Multiple notes support.
  • Multiple directories support.
  • List/open/delete/save notes dialogs.
  • Optional Toolbar integration.
  • Movable windows with position save.
  • Configurable keybind, font size and mouse button.
  • Autosave open note when scene changes or game quit, even on ALT + F4.
  • Ship's log.
  • Unity default skin and KSP skin.
  • Includes workaround for linux version bug: http://bugs.kerbalspaceprogram.com/issues/1230.