Way to trick CS:GO into thinking I have another teammate for co-op missions


I don't have many Steam friends who play GO at the same time I'm available and as such most of my guardian co-op missions are incomplete. I'd love to finish them in time for the end of Wildfire and get my gold badge.

Is there a way to trick CS:GO into thinking I have another teammate for co-op missions? I can't play the missions without one other player and I don't know if there is a way to make Steam believe I am playing with someone else.

Best Answer

You can't do it on your own and there is no way I know of tricking CS in to thinking you have a partner. Also, some of the missions require 2 players to get through the rounds, i.e. somewhere where you have to open gates with 2 switches that need to be activated at the same time.

If you solo queue or play casual games, just talk a bit and be friendly with your team. If you get a response from people you can request them as friends or straight up ask them if they want to do a co-op mission when the game is over.

Most of the people on my list are people that I've found friendly in matches I've played in. Also, with them playing in a match I played in, they are usually online at the same sort of time as me.


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