Way to “unlearn” skills in Heroes III


In Heroes of Might and Magic III your heroes gain skills as they level up. When you level up, you will be presented with two options for skills, one of which you can opt to learn. There are three tiers of each skill – Basic, Advanced and Expert.

Another way to gain skills is to get them from random dwellings on the map such as a Seer's Hut.

Because I don't look at what I'm doing and click anything that says unvisited, I always end up ruining my hero by learning a skill like "Scouting" or "Eagle Eye" from a random dwelling.

Is there a way I can discard these skills?

Best Answer

No, there's no way of unlearning skills in Heroes III. At least not in the core version of the game, WoG has introduced the Arcane Towers that allow a hero to redistribute his or her primary skill points but not secondary skill points. (Wake of Gods)

A good tactic that I use is to visit Witch Huts and similar dwellings with my secondary hero to avoid messing up my primary heros's skills.