Overwatch – How to View Completed Games


A lot of sources found on the internet (including the blizzard forums) state that

If you leave too many games and your “games played” vs “games
completed” percentage falls below our required threshold, you will
receive a warning message (this percentage is calculated based on your
20 most recent games).

When looking through my career profile, i can only find a number on my games played, but not a number stating how many i've completed.

Is there a way to look into this kind of info (official databse)? Maybe even a "game history" where i can look at specifically those 20 most recent games mentioned?

Best Answer


As Иво Недев pointed out, this mechanic is to prevent you from leaving too many games before the match is over, thus negatively impacting the rest of your team.

A game is considered completed when the gameplay stops after the "Victory" or "Defeat" splash has faded, and it shows the winning team's victory line-up. Leaving at or after that point does not count towards your leaving before completion tally. Similarly, leaving in the 45 second Assemble period where you can only select a hero does not affect your tally either, as the game has not started yet.

The long and short of it is unless you are playing on a very unstable connection, or deliberately leave games before it is over, you do not need to worry about this statistic, as it is not aimed at penalizing regular play.