Ways to earn experience-points


Besides the obvious ways to earn experience like:

  • killing mobs
  • completing quest

which other ways exist get earn XP in SWTOR? I've only played about 30 minutes till now and wanted to know if i will get XP for:

  • PVP matches (only match-wins? every kill?…)
  • open world PVP-kills
  • skilling professions
  • is there something like the resting-bonus in wow and, if so, how exactly does it work
  • something else

Best Answer

Here's an expanded list, although I make no promises about its completeness:

  • Completing bonus objectives in a quest.

  • Helping a member in your group complete a bonus objective in their quest.

  • Yes, that means that more than one person in the group is doing the same quest, you get the XP for your bonus objective plus the bonus XP for helping your friend for each member in the party that had the quest and bonus objective.

  • Exploring new areas. Each time you fill in a new part of a world's map you get a spot of XP, plus another spot when you've discovered all areas on a given map.

  • Reading 'lore objects'. They vary from blatantly obvious to incredibly easy to miss.

  • Participating in PVP warzones. I'm not privy to the exact formula by which it calculates the reward, but you gain XP, "valor" and cash even if you're not on the winning team.

Things that don't give XP:

  • crewskills and crafting. Their expertise level is entirely independent from your level progression.

As to your last point, SW:TOR does have a 'resting' bonus; rest areas are cantinas on planets, the main space station of your side's fleet and the interior of your ship (earned after completing your class story arc on your side's capital planet). Rested XP accrues while you're in a resting area whether you're logged on or not at a rate depending on your level. So far I haven't seen or heard of an upper bound on the amount of earnable resting XP.

Finally, after completing the first "chapter" of your class story arc (mid-thirties) on the first character you get that far, you get the not-optional option of choosing a 'legacy name' that can then get displayed as part of your character title and is shared among all alts on that server regardless of side, and all your alts on that server will start to accrue "legacy XP" that's again shared. It currently doesn't seem to do anything, but it's there for Bioware to attach stuff to later on I guess...