Fortnite Battle Royale – Understanding Weird Kill Indications


So ive recently noticed in Fortnite Battle Royale that I see some rather strange text that appears where it says how Players where eliminated, when… :

Player X has eliminated Player Y

However, I see some text that makes no sense and dosent explain how Player X was eliminated or makes no sense
I see some text I have NO IDEA what they mean:

Player X played themselves > Explain how?

Player X checked out too early > No Idea

Player X 'sploded Player Y > What gun?

Can anyone explain me these weird kill indications?

Best Answer

player X 'sploded player Y

This means that they used an explosive weapon such as a rocket launcher or grenade launcher etc.

Player X played themselves

This means something along the lines of they took fall damage and died

player X checked out too early

This either means the same as above or they disconnected.