Welded parts not appearing


I am trying to weld parts together in KSP with the UbioWelding plugin. The "Weld It" button appears and the in game dialog to weld parts seems to work fine, but the finished part never appears in my parts catalog. The welded part does show up in the UbioWelding Parts directory.

Here are the plugins I am using:

enter image description here

Here is the version.txt from the welding plugin:

enter image description here

Best Answer

The latest version of the welding mod is mangling the filenames of the parts being welded. I think this is caused due to cross platform issues with Unity -- I am running on a Mac.

Specifically, welded parts have references like this:

enter image description here

When they should look like this:

enter image description here

If you go into the welded part's .cfg file and fix these errors, the welded part works fine.