Factorio – Where Are the Bugs Attacking From?


In my factory, I inconveniently have 3 relatively large bug nests all really close to me. Only one of them was a problem, base number 2, but I have walled that one off.

My map area.

All of a sudden though a get a message that parts of my base are getting destroyed. Turns out some bugs had managed to get to the red circle on my map. I have no clue how they got there though. My best guess is that they came from base 1 and came along the black line, but then why would they not attack my copper deposit? In any case, where did the bugs come from?

Best Answer

Your mining setup is quite small according to the radar image. As a result, the bugs follow in the direction of the strongest pollution. As they round the corner of the lake, that is both down. Once they get to the point where they would need to turn right to get to the mines, the pollution from the south is stronger still and the mines are out of the direct attack radius. Sp they follow south.