Were there other test subjects alive in Portal


I know that there were no other test subjects alive in Portal 2 (excluding the ones in the co-op), but were there other test subjects alive in Portal? You never see them or anything that would suggest their (living) presence in the facility. I would imagine that GLaDOS had other test subjects since GLaDOS had planned to kill you. But is there any proof of other test subjects?

I am not referring to the ones found in co-op in the 1950s cryogenic freezing. I am asking if there are any alive in the more recent Aperture Science testing course excluding the ones from co-op. (directly after GLaDOS had been activated)

Best Answer

There is no proof that GLaDOS had other living test subjects during Portal's timeframe. In fact, the comic that bridges the two games (Lab Rat) seems to specifically indicate that there weren't any humans alive in the facility except Chell and Doug Rattmann (Rattmann is not/never was a test subject).