Overwatch – Abilities to Protect Team from Junkrat Ultimate


A lot of times while playing KotH or Assault modes, I will be playing against a Junkrat. When he ults, I am not always able to shoot it in time to destroy it. What abilities can I use to protect my team from dying to it, as it does enough damage to one shot most heroes?

Best Answer

Lúcio's Sound Barrier, Mei's Ice Wall, and Zarya's Projected Barrier can be used to protect other teammates. It's not quite the same thing, but judicious use of Mercy's Guardian Angel (which can target nearby corpses) and Rez will also counter the RIP-Tire (but not prevent it from killing people in the first place).

Reinhardt's Barrier Field and Winston's Barrier Projector will protect anyone on the appropriate side. However, the RIP-Tire can move through these shields, so they are not as reliable as the previous methods. In particular, Reinhardt's Barrier Field is a poor choice, since the enemy Junkrat merely has to hold off detonating it until it's literally on top of your Reinhardt to guarantee a kill on him.