What accessories are used with this thesterious accessory port


So, I got a PS Vita recently. As I was poking around trying to figure out how everything worked, I noticed this odd, unmarked port on the top of the system.

enter image description here

It's only labeled as "Accessories Terminal", but I can't find any indication as to what accessories are used here. I've checked the manual, but it doesn't shed any light on this mystery. Even the official PS Vita Accessories page doesn't offer any information.

What can I use with this port?

Best Answer

As of now, nobody but Sony knows for sure. I believe it's for video output though, but Sony hasn't confirmed this.

Speculation thread

Some ideas include

  • Extended battery pack
  • Mini fight stick
  • HDMI out
  • Video out
  • Connection to PS Vita/PS3
  • Wireless audio connector

We'll just have to wait and see...

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