What actions generate belief


From what I can gather, belief is expended whenever you use one of your abilities, for now I'm pretty much limited to reshaping the world under my control but it looks like there are plenty of others things that will open up to me later on (totems, etc).

So far, I've established that poking at trees and rocks will give me belief. Oh, and popping bubbles.

enter image description here

What other actions generate belief?

Best Answer

You can get belief from:

  • Breaking rocks
  • Breaking trees
  • popping belief bubbles
  • cards (there are belief cards)

Breaking wolves takes belief, but doesn't appear to grant belief. I'm also not out of the starting age, there could be different ways in later ages.


This was to version 1.2... There is now version 1.3 coming out soon, read the patch notes and I believe many of these answers to Godus questions will be altered.