What affects the chance to get an escape mission


So far I know that doing a mission in full stealth and the expert driver asset prevent escapes completely.

Added Inside Man Assets on almost all levels so that you can buy a EXPERT DRIVER that 100% takes away the Escape. — source

What else affects escapes? Does difficulty have a part in this? Is it ever guaranteed to get an escape?

Best Answer

While there are currently no exact numbers on what causes an escape missions, I've noticed the following by observing when we get escape missions after completing the main segment of the mission:

  • If no alarms are ever set off, there is no escape
  • If you have the Expert Driver asset, there is no escape
  • If you leave during an assault, there seems to be a very high (practically guaranteed) chance of an escape
  • If you leave after an assault, before the next assault, there seems to be a reduced chance of escape
  • If you leave after killing all enemies in a wave, outside of an assault phase, there seems to be a reduced chance of an escape
  • Once you have set off an alarm, killing civilians will increase the chance of an escape mission

Ultimately, escape missions are there to prevent the "quick and dirty grind" - if you want to go in loud and don't prepare properly, expect an escape to happen.