What are all the inventory items


I have been playing the Majora's Mask remake for the 3DS. I have collected all the heart pieces, masks, and everything I can remember from the N64 version but there is still an empty spot in my inventory. I'd like a list so that I can cross reference, I've checked a few from the N64 version but due to the reworked system not all the items on those lists apply. What are all the inventory items?

Best Answer

I'll just type all of them

  • Arrow and the three type of arrows
  • Bomb
  • Bombchu
  • Deku stick
  • Deck nut
  • Magic beans
  • Powder keg
  • Pictograph box
  • Lens of truth
  • Hook shot
  • Great fairy sword
  • 7 bottles

That is all of them

If that doesn't help here is a walk through just read it and find what you are missing