What are ‘Armor Ruin’ and ‘Spell Ruin’


I've found a bunch of gear with bonuses to something called Armor Ruin and/or Spell Ruin. It doesn't actually say what that means, though.

What are these two things?

Armor Ruin

Spell Ruin

Best Answer

If you move the cursor to the A. Ruin and S. Ruin boxes on the status menu screen, they'll be defined at the bottom of the screen.

Armor Ruin: Determines how much armor your physical attacks will ignore. Spell Ruin: Determines how much resist your magical attacks will ignore.

Armor Ruin: Determines how much armor your physical attacks will ignore.

Spell Ruin: Determines how much resist your magical attacks will ignore.

All the stats have similar descriptions. This information is also available in the game's manual, though if you're like me you probably didn't know the game has one.