What are augments


I told my minion Khem Val to synth me some pants, and three minutes later, I am notified that he has been "extremely successful", and has synth'd me a pair of "exceptional" pants.

The item now has an "augment" slot, and it looks to be modifiable in the same way that orange items are… but I don't see anything about augments when browsing the mods vendors – only hilts, barrels, enhancements, etc. No Augments.

So what is an augment? Where can I get them?

Best Answer

Augment schematics are gained from Slicing, and Armormech, Armstech, and Synthweaving can each craft some of them. They can't be bought from vendors, but you should find plenty of them on the GTN.

As to what they are? Well, as you've noticed, they're an item modification slot. They're automatically added when a companion 'crits' on their gear crafting task. You can also buy an Augment Kit (crafted by the above professions) and pay to augment your gear at an Item Modification Station.