Overwatch – Bastion’s Birds’ Names


I know that Bastion's main avian companion, who appears to be some variant of a goldfinch, is named Ganymede. But what about the other birds? Each of Bastion's Epic and Legendary skins (aside from the Overgrown skin) show a different species of bird.

Defense Matrix has a Blue Jay.

Omnic Crisis has a Cardinal.

Antique and Woodbot have two different colors of a Woodpecker.

Gearbot has a Pigeon.

Steambot has a Dove.

Normally, I wouldn't expect such a minor character to have different names for each of the suits they wear, but Blizzard has been known to be quite a stickler for the smaller details.

Best Answer

We don't know.

We can speculate all we want, but in reality there is no given name for any of those alternate birds.