What are differences/perks of the different Ballistic Vests in Payday 2


I know the light ballistic vest makes you move a little vaster compared to the others but I want to know what exactly the differences between them all. I'm leaning towards the normal vest because it's equal between the two but depending on my playstyle (e.g. Stealth or Guns Blazing) which one would suit which?

Best Answer

             | Lightweight | Normal | Heavy  |
Armor        |      30     |   40   |   50   |
Concealement |      26     |   23   |   21   |
Speed        |      36     |   35   |   33   |
Dodge        |     -20     |  -25   |  -30   |
Steadiness   |      11     |   12   |   13   |
Stamina      |      20     |   19   |    8   |

The numbers speak for themselves ; you plan to hide in the shadows, go for the Lightweight, you want to unleash a deadly storm of bullets, choose the Heavy instead.

If you want protection, however, you will appreciate the higher tier armors more.

Note : The Lightweight is, alongside the Suit, the only armor working with the Grinder Perk Deck.