What are effective strategies for countering Mind Control


Don't get me wrong, I like the new advanced content, but I am at a loss as to how to counter mind control.

When I am boarding, and get mind controlled, it usually is the end for at least one of them…

When a crewman gets mind controlled on my own ship, I usually leave them to attack whatever system they want. But that's not always a good idea.

What can I do when my crewman gets the purple spiral of doom above him?

Best Answer

Here are a few strategies I can think of:

  1. Hit the affected crew member with your own mind control to cancel out the effect - that's what I would recommend. I normally engage the flagship with MC installed. UPDATE: even level 1 MC can cancel out a lvl 3.
  2. Disable enemy's mind control system either by direct damage or ion damage.
  3. Hacking mind control disables it and as a bonus you get to mind control a random enemy crew member.
  4. Have a boarding crew (or whole crew!) of slugs - they are immune to mind control.
  5. There is a new stun mechanic introduced in advanced edition, so keep them stunned while waiting for them to get back to their old selves. However, level 3 mind control lasts for 35 seconds while stun bombs, for example, only stun for 10 seconds.
  6. Since mind controlled crew members have the same AI as any other enemy, you can drain air from more important rooms, effectively guiding them to the least important systems.
  7. Hacking enemy teleporter teleports all of their crew currently boarding your ship back to their ship. Assuming you have hacker drones and a teleporter and you're fighting an enemy who also has a teleporter AND method #3 is just too easy for you, you may try hacking their teleporter to beam your mind controlled team member to the enemy's ship (since they're considered an enemy at this point) and then beam them back when the effect wears off.
  8. If you have a cloning bay, you might as well kill them.