What are passwords in the 3DS version of SSF4 for


What are they? How are they used? What kind of dark magic is this?!

Best Answer

I think you are talking about the passwords to unlock character figurine. If so, follows what i found (i've not tested):

Super Street Fighter 4: 3D unlock character figurine passwords


  • Gold Blanka: DmdkeRvbxc
  • Gold Chun-Li: zAAkcHVbHk
  • Gold E. Honda: uUDsTlmbUN
  • Gold Vega (Dictator): CgIsQNWbHu
  • Gold Zangief: hinsVnebTu


  • Silver Makoto: GHakWCTbsl
  • Silver Rose: GKkkXXtbSe
  • Gold Guile: qeJkznDbKE
  • Gold Ryu: KjckTnSbwK
  • Silver Sakura: uzTsXzIbKn


  • Special Akuma (Gouki): uQHkWgYbJC
  • Silver Dan: rDRkkSIbqS
  • Silver Ibuki: ilMsRBabpB
  • Silver Juri: OfQkARpbJR
  • Silver Ken: NyosHgybuW


  • Silver Akuma (Gouki): RYSsPxSbTh
  • Silver Balrog (Claw): PqUswOobWG
  • Silver Chun-Li: tLWkWvrblz
  • Silver Cody: naMkEQgbQG

Source: here.