Nintendo 3DS 3DSXL 2DS – What Are Special Miis in StreetPass


I was looking at the list of StreetPass accomplishments and noticed there are a few accomplishments that require you to StreetPass with Special Miis.

What are Special Miis? What makes them special? How do I find them?

Best Answer

Special Miis are Miis created for official promotions. Some are official game character Miis. For example, Capcom created Resident Evil: Revelations for Jill, Chris, Parker, and Jessica. Others, the kind StreetPass Mii Plaza gives achievements for, are gotten by StreetPassing special demo kiosks or Nintendo employees.

Special Miis are identifiable via their golden pants. You can't share QR codes for them, and apparently you cannot send them directly to someone else without losing them from your own plaza.

If you're trying to get that achievement, your best bet is to go to events like Gamescom, Tokyo Game Show, or PAX.

Nintendo also sent an Iwata Mii out via SpotPass on March 25th in Europe, and a Reggie Mii on March 27th in North America, to celebrate the first anniversary of the 3DS's release. You can meet them at StreetPass Mii Plaza and trigger the achievement.

(Special Miis are not new to the 3DS; the Wii also had them, but they were much less used given the poor state of WiiConnect24 outside of Japan.)