What are the benefits of not killing prison guards


After struggling and failing several times to get a grasp on The Witcher 2's stealth mechanics, I abandoned all hope of being able to sneak through the entire prison in the prologue and decided that everyone who opposed me would die by my blade. Once I escaped from the prison, the person responsible for my freedom scowled at me, saying that I wasn't supposed to create a bloodbath. While I agree, I'm not willing to repeat this sequence however many times I must to not kill anybody unless the rewards are worth it. What benefits do I get for sneaking out of jail?

Best Answer

The change made by sneaking out is not worth mentioning,as Fabian sad it is happy face instead the sarcastic one and some more exp points.

The thing i saw recently is that there is an alternate path that leads out of dungeon and it has a bit different story.Never tried it myself so maybe it is only beta or console version but check it out.