Clash Royale – Benefits of Dropping Troops Second


I see people waiting to react 98% of the time. Unless I have a building (Tesla/bomb tower/etc.), I also wait. It seems that reacting gives you the chance to minimize wasting mana; but, HOW long is TOO long to wait? Is there a point in which waiting becomes wasteful rather than beneficial? I ask because I was in a game where both of us waited 60 full seconds before we deployed… and that seems silly.

Best Answer

Most of the strategy in Clash Royale is about gaining an "elixir advantage" on your opponent. For instance, if your opponent plays a 4 elixir card and you counter with a 3 elixir card that stops it completely, you have just gained a 1 elixir advantage.

Stacking up these "mistakes" your opponent makes is key to victory. These advantages can be used later in the round to drop a sizeable force that your opponent can't counter, and lets you push up to the tower and inflict damage.

This means that for a lot of players, their deck is reactionary. They want to see what you play so that they can play the counter card and earn an advantage.

Waiting can work against a player, though. I will generally let my elixir stack up to 10, but then at 10 I'll play something. If my opponent doesn't play anything and I climb back to 10 again, I've just gained an elixir advantage for free.

Dropping a defensive tower may seem like the obvious choice, but defensive structures take damage over time, so their effectiveness is less the longer the round drags on without your enemy playing a card. I will tend to play something soft and cheap, like spear goblins, and then back it up with another card if it seems like I could push towards their tower in a lane.