What are the best job combinations


I am wondering what are the best job combinations in Bravely Default. Is there any point to upgrade melee jobs for casters for example? And do I even have to switch the jobs i.e. strive for combinations or stick with one job?

Best Answer

This is definitely not the only working combination and probably isn't the best but I've found it to work in almost any situation.

  • Tiz as Ranger with Ninja.
  • Angés as White Mage with any subclass.
  • Ringabel as Dark Knight with Time Mage.
  • Edea as Sword Master with Spell Fencer.

    1. Have everyone Default on the first turn.
    2. Have Tiz use Kairai on Edea.
    3. Have Angés heal Edea when necessary. Otherwise, summon or attack.
    4. Have Ringabel use Black Bane until 10% HP. Then use Minus Strike.
    5. If Edea does not have an active sword spell, cast one that is super effective against your foe(I recommend using Drain). Then use Nothing Ventured if against multiple foes, Know Thine Enemy if against one.
    6. Repeat until dead.