What are the best ways to lose a zombie


When starting up, you have no weapon and no mean to defeat zombies at all. Are there ways to lose a zombie aggro or multiple zombies, even?

Best Answer


Run some more!

Lather, rinse, repeat. Eventually, zombies will stop chasing you. According to the DayZ wiki:

Zombies stop chasing players when they are more than 300m away

Breaking line of sight is paramount. Sometimes simply going prone can throw a zombie off you scent. Another important thing to remember is zombies cannot run in buildings. Taking a route through a building with multiple exits will allow you to slow down your pursuer significantly. If you have the ammo and don't mind attracting the attention, this will also allow you to easily take them out with a well placed shot to the head.

Other alternatives include swimming, climbing, and closing doors. Although zombies can do all these things as well, it can slow them down.