What are the chances for a new level with the salvage droid missions


With the Feb 28, 2014 update, there now is the Salvage Droid mechanism for obtaining rewards. As far as I can tell, there is one free chance each day but otherwise it costs Imperial Bux to have a chance for a reward. There are three possible levels: "a chance" (5 bux), "good chance" for 15 box and the "best chance" for 25 bux.

Question 1: Does anyone have data about what the chances are for obtaining "rare" rewards with each type of mission?

What would be good to know particularly is the chance of getting a new level, and which levels are unlockable via this mechanism.

Question 2: Do the destinations for droids make any difference? There have been "debris field" and "asteroid field" listed, and the presence of the "rescan" purchase suggests that there is some difference, but I don't know what that would be.

Best Answer

Panna city med was from the Christmas event, so I don't think they'll make that available again. From what I can tell, if you see a planet (Kashyyyk, endor, etc...) and you click on it, you'll get a graphic showing what you might be able to get. For instance, Kashyyyk shows two characters and a level. However, you have to purposefully search on that particular planet/area to possibly get that reward. Rescan (every 12 hours, or on demand for 5 bux) rearranges your scanning options. You get one free scan on the first area once a day or on demand for 5 bux; but I have not seen a planet on that scanning level. Essentially what that means is that you can't get these rewards without using bux. Which sux.