What are the chances of encountering a shiny Pokémon


For Sun & Moon, are the chances to catch a shiny Pokémon the same of previous generations, like X & Y? Or are the chances somewhat higher or lower this time around?

Best Answer

Breeding with the Masuda Method, your chances of getting a shiny are 1 in 683. If you have the shiny charm and use the Masuda Method, your chances are 1 in 512. Thus, using the Masuda Method is the best.

With SOS chaining, if you get a chain of 70 and above, you have a 1 in 1024 chance, and with the shiny charm it becomes 1 in 683. Therefore, the Masuda Method still gives you a better chance, but the SOS chaining method may be faster if you turn off battle actions in your game options.