Fortnite Battle Royale – Criteria for Battle Pass ‘Eliminate Enemy in Place’ Challenges


After purchasing the Battle Pass, I unlocked several challenges. Some of these were

"Eliminate Enemies in (Dusty, Retail, Greasy, Tomato etc.)"

What are the criteria for this? If you snipe a player who is out of Dusty, will it still count as a kill? If you are out of Dusty, but snipe a player in Dusty, will that count as a kill? Do you both need to be in Dusty? If you are right next to dusty (5 to 10 meters) will it count as your kill?

Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

In my experience, the rule seems to be that you and the person you kill must be within 20-30m of the location. I know that I was standing on the bridge by tomato town and sniped someone in the restaurant, and it didn't count as a kill, but when I was around 20m outside tomato and I killed someone who was directly next to me, I did get the kill