Super Smash Bros Ultimate – Differences Between Peach and Daisy


Super Smash Bros. Ultimate introduces the concept of Echo Fighters, or characters that are near clones with minor differences.

While in some cases, like with Roy and Chrom, the differences are very clear, in others it's not readily apparent what's changed. Peach and Daisy for example have been acknowledged to be carbon copies and been treated as interchangeable in competitive play since the game was released.

What if any are the gameplay (non-aesthetic) differences between the two princesses?

Best Answer

There are very small differences between Peach and Daisy in their hurtboxes: Daisy:

  • In her idle animation has a slightly smaller hurtbox vertically. Aesthetically, this is because she doesn't keep her back as straight as Peach
  • In her idle animation, running animation, and reversing her running animation, she has a slightly larger hurtbox horizontally. Aesthetically, this is because she keeps her arms held up by her sides

These differences are extremely slight to the point that people consider them identical.