What are the differences between the PS2 and PS3 versions of Fifa 12


I've done a silly thing. Finally got a PS3 to play some next gen games and shopped online for Fifa 12. Turns out I bought the PS2 version–I didn't even know they were still making games for the thing!

I haven't taken the plastic wrapping off yet so I still have a couple of days to return it. Is it worth it trade up to the PS3 version? What are its advantages over the PS2 copy? I don't care much about graphics quality; only gameplay. Most importantly, can I play the PS2 version on my PS3 and will it support more than two players?

Best Answer

At this point, games released for the PS2 are so far down a publisher's/developer's priority list that they might as well not exist. People have reported framerate issues and gameplay problems, although others were happy with everything except the graphics, which you note aren't that important to you.

I can't find a side-by-side review, or a review of the multiplayer support, (or even a professional review of the PS2 version, period!) so I can't answer that part of your question directly. However, the publisher's site lists 3 features on the PS2 version versus 12 for the PS3 version, so it's safe to assume that the PS2 version is relatively stripped down compared to the PS3 version.

Since you paid money to upgrade to the Playstation 3, and you're paying money to play the latest iteration of the franchise, why not spend a few dollars more on the game to make sure you get the best experience possible?