What are the differences between the War Mage and the Sorceress


From what I've noticed so far, there seems to be a few differences between the two playable characters in Orcs Must Die! 2.

So far I've noticed that the War Mage has more health, while the Sorceress has more mana, and they both start with different weapons and traps.

Do either of them have exclusive traps or weapons? Do their traps unlock at different times? What are the differences between these two characters?

Best Answer

Here are the differences I've found so far (all of these are exclusive, so there's no unlocking the starting items of the other character):

  • War mage has more health, while Sorceress has more mana
  • War mage starts with a shotgun, while Sorceress starts with a staff
  • War mage starts with the Tar-trap and Arrow Wall, while Sorceress starts with the Ice Trap and Acid Sprayer.
  • Later in the game, War Mage unlocks a hammer while Sorceress unlocks a Polymorph Ring
  • The War Mage can purchase the Healing Well while the Sorceress can purchase the Mana Well.
  • After beating the game on War Mage difficulty..

The war mage gains the ability to double-jump, while the Sorceress unlocks "Feather-fall" (gliding).
(These abilities, by the way, have lead me to discover many glitches due to reaching otherwise unreachable areas...)