What are the differences in casual controls and regular controls


In Pokémon Sword/Shield, there is an option in the game settings turn on “casual controls”. The I -game description of this states

This mode makes it easier to play with one hand

Earlier this year, I was gifted with my first child so I often find myself playing games with one hand. When I enabled this setting, a majority of the controls seemed somewhat the same.

So what are the differences in casual controls and regular controls?

Best Answer

Casual Controls allow you to play with single JoyCon, be it right or left.

  1. Right stick can move both character and menu
  2. Arrow buttons are turned into action buttons. UP is X, DOWN is B, LEFT is Y, RIGHT is A
  3. Right stick click will work as whistling

In both modes R/L and ZL/ZR works as accept button in most menus. Only downside of enabling Casual Controls I have noticed is loss of "D pad" for browsing menu.

Casual Mode affect Pro Controller as well as JoyCon halves, it is safe to assume all controller types are affected.