What Are the Dominant Weapon/Armor Configurations


I'm playing through Final Fantasy X HD Remaster (which should be the same as the FFX International.)

I wondered is there an accepted dominant Weapon/Armor configuration? As far as the best abilities to apply to the slots. It seems like the Ultimate Weapons do not necessarily have the best load-out.

Best Answer

For armors I'd say:

  • Auto Phoenix
  • Auto Protect
  • Auto Haste
  • See below

Auto phoenix for auto reviving your characters (this uses phoenix downs first, and if you're out, mega-phoenixes are used).
Auto protect for auto protect status (dispel can't even remove it).
Auto Haste for those extra turns before the enemy.

The 4th slot depends: Auto-Potion and X-Potions are a great combination. Some people use Ribbon.

For weapons i'd say:

  • Break damage limit
  • Evade and counter
  • Magic counter
  • Armor Piercing

Break damage limit and armor piercing for those basic attacks and limit breaks over 9999 damage.
Evade and counter for dodging physical attacks. Even if it fails, you still do the basic attack.
And Magic Counter for countering if you were struck by magic.

But then again, it depends on what you'll be fighting I guess.