What are the famous Demos on display in “The Stanley Parable Demo”


In "The Stanley Parable Demo", there is a wall of four Famous Game Demos. While I can easily recognize Half-Life and Metal Gear Solid, the other two escape my memory or knowledge. What are these two games that feature on the wall, and do they hold any significance?

"Famous Demos" wall

Best Answer

  1. Gunpoint, a recently-released indie game
  2. Metal Gear Solid 2, the sequel to the famous Playstation stealth game. The pre-release demo was notable for being included with the game Zone of the Enders, which boosted the sales of the latter game.
  3. Half-life: Uplink, the post-release standalone demo for the critically-acclaimed Half-Life, which included portions not available in the full game.
  4. Limits and Demonstrations, the demo for Kentucky Route Zero