What are the lyrics to the song PotatOS Lament on Volume 2 of the Portal 2 Soundtrack


What are the lyrics to the song "PotatOS Lament" on Volume 2 of the Portal 2 soundtrack? It doesn't sound like English (though some parts do sound like the word "potatoes").

Is it another language? Or just gibberish?

Best Answer

Potato Lacrimosa (Weeping Potato)

Potato Po Uota (Power Potato Vows)

Diva Me A Atra Anima Evicta (My soul won over by the black goddess)

Diu E Me A Atra A Mei A Adiu (Me from my long blackout, from any aid)

Tristi Anima Evicta (Sadness won over my soul)

Tristi Demu Notu (Sadness at last known)

Do Mo Nata Anima Evicta (I give only the soul born the right to win)

Dega Mi Atra Ala Te Teme Cha (You yourself live because of the black wing of my charity)