Stardew Valley – Most Used Cooking Ingredients


Stardew Valley allows players to cook dishes out of existing ingredients via a recipe. Some cooking ingredients are used in only one recipe, but some are required for multiple recipes.

Of all the ingredients in Stardew Valley, what 5-10 ingredients are used in the most recipes, and what recipes are they used for?

(I'd love a list of all ingredients with the number of recipes they're used in, but that's rather out of the scope of a question on this site.)

Reason (potential early-game spoiler):

I'm hoping to make the best use of my upgraded house's fridge space. (I'd ask what the best ingredients to put in the fridge are, but that's opinion-based and therefore not appropriate for this site, either.)

Best Answer

Unsurprisingly, the 5 most common ingredients in all of Stardew Valley's recipes are some of the most common ingredients in a real kitchen: flour, sugar, milk, oil, and eggs.

I took all ingredients listed on the Cooking page of the Stardew wiki and compiled them to find the ones used the most. Each ingredient is linked to a list of recipes it is used in.

Put together, these 5 ingredients are used in 40 of the 71 cooking recipes, not counting recipes that need a cooked dish using one of those base ingredients as an ingredient, such as the Farmer's Lunch having Omelet as an ingredient.

The next most used ingredient is Tomato, with 6 different instances. After that, we fall to several ingredients used only in 3 or 4 recipes.