What are the new Battlefield 3 assignments


Since the last update which unlocked Back to Karkand, at the end of a round I see a range of titles and below each, a weapon and a progress bar, some of which increase as I play.

But it does not tell what they are.

A friend told me, these are the new assignments, but couldn't know the details either.

What are these assignments? What must I do in order to complete each?

Best Answer

Go to battelog, in the upper right menu click in Missions.

You will unlock the new guns doing missions.

FAMAS (“Best Friend Forever” assignment)

  • 10 heals
  • 10 revives

L85A2 (“Professional Russian”)

  • 100 kills with assault rifles
  • 20 kills with grenade launcher
  • Win 5 rounds of Squad Deathmatch

MP5 / HK53 (“Fixing it”)

  • 10 repairs
  • 1 kill with repair torch

QBZ-95B (“It Goes Boom”)

  • 50 anti-tank rocket kills
  • 5 conquest round wins
  • Destroy 1 enemy vehicle with repair torch

QBB-95 (“Let It Rain”)

  • 20 kills with light machine guns
  • 2 mortar kills

QBU-88 (“Specops”)

  • 20 sniper rifle kills
  • 5 laser designator assists

MG36 (“Keep Your Head Down”)

  • 100 kills with light machine guns
  • 50 suppression kill assists
  • 50 ammo resupplies

L96 (“Creeping Death”)

  • 50 headshots
  • 50 spot assists
  • 5 knife kills

PP-19 (“Familiar Territory”)

  • Capture 10 flags
  • Arm 10 MCOM stations
  • Play 2 hours on Strike At Karkand

Jackhammer / MK3A3 (“Scarred Veteran”)

  • 10 kills with PP-19
  • 10 kills with BTR-90
  • 5 kills with DPV jeep
  • Play 2 hours on Gulf of Oman
  • Play 2 hours on Sharqi Peninsula