What are the odds of getting dream jobs for certain levels


I thought it was coincidence at first but now I am certain that some jobs get more dream jobbers. For me:

  • Toydarian Toys
  • Mon Cala Aquarium
  • Holochess Hall

I get dream jobbers for these levels twice everyday. I have 50 levels so it is really unusual when always the same ones get dream jobbers. These are some of the least expensive levels. But there are also other levels in this category which doesn't get the same attention.

Is there tiers? Like x,y,z levels 1% dream jobs, a,b,c levels 5% dream jobs? How does the system work?

Best Answer

My observations are that the dream job distribution appears random across possible levels. With many bitizens coming through, there are bound to be some repeats from time to time and they may appear to be clumping into groups. It's easy to see patterns in randomly distributed data that aren't really there and I think that's what's going on here.